What Is An Angel Card Reading?

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We all have the ability at any moment to connect with our own higher guidance.  Many people call this our intuition which is a part of you that just knows the answers to any question you have to ask.  Not all of us have access to this kind of inner guidance all the time and when you’re going through a difficult situation, it can be even harder to distinguish between true messages from Spirit and our own, internal self-talk.  Self-talk is often made up of negative, limiting beliefs, all of our fears and multiple sub-personalities and can give you both positive and negative messages.  We tend to differentiate between them by asking “Is this message based in love or fear?” along with many other safeguards.  Negative self-talk and true messages from Spirit are often difficult to discern and it can take lots of practice to finely hone these skills.  There are many parts of us that can tell us what we want to hear to keep us in our comfort zone thus preventing our inner growth and evolution.  This just keeps perpetuating the problem with a general feeling of being stuck or a pattern that keeps repeating itself in your life.

Sometimes we need clarity, encouragement or someone to help us gain a different perspective to help sort it all out.  We may seek out a trusted friend, a counsellor, a psychic or someone else we trust.  Many years ago, I began connecting with my own inner guidance system and in the process I found a profound connection with many of my Spirit team included Archangels and Angels.  My path introduced me at one point to tarot cards and ultimately, a set of Angel Cards which I have used often when I need guidance.  These cards have helped not only me but when I opened up to doing readings for others, I was astounded at the accuracy of information that was coming through for everyone else as well.

An Angel Card Reading is a fun yet powerful way to receive messages from Spirit, Angels, Guides and gain insightful solutions to just about any situation. The sessions I offer are meant as a healing tool to gently guide you in your personal growth.  Many people don’t know what to ask during a session and of course, true messages from Spirit will never give you a “yes” or “no” answer or directly tell you what to do.  Instead, these messages offer gentle guidance that is never fear based or controlling in any way.  Learning how to ask a question in the right way to get the highest guidance is important and are here are a few examples:

-what can I learn from this situation?
-how can I release this?
-how can I love myself more?
-how can I deepen my connection to my own guidance system?
-what do I need to know in order to grow and evolve easier?
-how can I tap into my soul purpose?
-where should I put my focus right now?
-how can I break this negative cycle I’m in?
-what do I need to know right now?
-where is this present path leading me to?
-what step should I take next in my career?
-what can I do to increase my abundance?
-how can I help myself heal from this?
-where is this relationship heading?
-what would the angels like to tell me about this upcoming situation/event?
-what is my next, highest vibrational step?

Of course, you are always free to ask something else but these give you a good idea of where to start.  I am currently offering Angel Card Readings are in 30 or 60 minute sessions and depending on the time available, more than one question and card spread can be done per session.  Readings are available in person and via Skype or Facebook Live for those who don’t live in my area of Cornwall, Ontario.  Intuitive Energy Healings in person are also available for those who want to engage in shifting and clearing of personal issues.  Your Angels and Guides are waiting to connect with you and become a positive influence on your life path and as a healer, I would love the opportunity to deliver their loving messages to you.

Until next time,


Wendy is the owner/director of Twin Flame Creations Inc. She is Certified in Advanced Energy Healing, Spiritual Healing, Transitional Dream-walking and has a Doctorate of Divinity diploma. She operates an energy healing school with her husband Steve in Cornwall and is passionate about guiding others through their own awakening journey.  You can visit their website at www.awakeningangels.ca to see who they are, what they teach, all upcoming events and to book an appointment.  

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